Solomon Off Target

The south zone would be treated more as a green zone, to have the province’s politically correct southern voters bear the lion’s share of the costly “smart-grid” additions to the […]
Published on February 23, 2011

The south zone would be treated more as a green zone, to have the province’s politically correct southern voters bear the lion’s share of the costly “smart-grid” additions to the grid. Smart-grid additions have no economic justification – they merely support large-scale wind and solar generation, which also have no economic justification. The National Post

Lawrence needs to do a bit more reading and thinking before making this type of comment.  Smart grids are about much more than connecting wind and solar systems to the grid.  Over time, they could even lead to the emergence of a truly competitive market in both the supply and delivery of energy services that could solve the problems caused by monopoly operation of the electrical market and government oversight of the system.

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