Prohibition-era liquor law takes hit

Terry David Mulligan, known by those over 30 as the famous VJ from Much Music, has become a hero for the freedom to trade in wine. Now a wine journalist, […]
Published on May 16, 2011

Terry David Mulligan, known by those over 30 as the famous VJ from Much Music, has become a hero for the freedom to trade in wine. Now a wine journalist, Mulligan has taken to challenging Canada’s archaic wine laws.

See the story here.

In Canada today, it is illegal to transport or sell wine or other liquors across provincial lines. The only way you can do so legally is through permission from the provincial liquor control board.

So, Mulligan left BC with cases of Ontario and BC wines and dared provincial officials to arrest him.

The ban, while insulating provincial wines from competition, affects small wineries and is anti-consumer.

It’s time we had freedom to acquire wine in our own country.

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