Talk about incoming U.S. tariffs has renewed thoughtful consideration about Manitoba to develop the province’s northern ports. Most commentators and provincial politicians have promoted the port at Churchill as a logical point for diversifying Manitoba’s trade...
Joseph Quesnel
Manitoba Should not let Government Nursing Unions Throttle Their Competition
As we start 2025, Manitobans should let their government know that it should commit to putting the health care of Manitobans ahead before any other interest. Manitoba can begin in one area: Using private nurses to help supplement the public system. This past...
A Tale of Two Northern Indigenous Peoples Charting a Path Towards Economic Viability Beyond the Indian Act
This study argues Indigenous communities ought to consider economic viability and eventual self-reliance before embarking on a path toward political independence. Drawing upon relevant empirical data, it claims First Nations require meaningful control over...
New Report Argues Economic Independence Must Precede Political Autonomy for First Nations in Canada
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Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Winnipeg City Council’s War on Natural Gas Shows the Need to Counter Special Interests
Some members of the Winnipeg City Council are determined to continue their reckless war on natural gas in buildings in Canada’s coldest city. The latest move occurred at City Council when the City’s Standing Policy Committee on Water, Waste and Environment...
Apprenticeship Ratio Change Won’t Help Manitoba Trades
The Manitoba government has announced it will be restoring the 1:1 apprentice-to-journeyperson ratio, ostensibly to promote safety and better training in the province. A past government set a 1:1 ratio after a well-publicized death of a worker at an...
Joseph Quesnel: To Truly Help Indigenous Communities Prosper, We Must Put the Economic Horse Before the Political Cart
Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has surprised a lot of people by placing a real emphasis on his party’s relationship with Indigenous peoples. Not only has he recruited high-profile Indigenous politicians like Ellis Ross and Chief Billy Morin to be...
Unlock BC’s Mining Potential: Cut the Red Tape
BC is at a crucial juncture. It must swiftly create an ideal policy climate to capitalize on the impending critical minerals boom fully. The choice is clear: the province must cut regulatory red tape and create a stable investment climate. If BC resists these...
Unlock BC’s Mining Potential: Cut the Red Tape
BC is at a crucial juncture. It must swiftly create an ideal policy climate to capitalize on the impending critical minerals boom fully. The choice is clear: the province must cut regulatory red tape and create a stable investment climate. If BC resists these changes,...
Prioritize Energy Reliability Over Unrealistic Net-Zero Goals
It is encouraging to see that Premier Wab Kinew’s new energy policy acknowledges the reality of hydrocarbon fuels: Manitoba will continue to have oil and natural gas in its energy mix for the foreseeable future. Manitoba should not be in any hurry to wean itself off...
They Must Not Become the Law Unto Themselves: Bringing Made-in-Canada Democratic Accountability to Autonomous Policing
Executive Summary Elected Representatives and the media are confused about what police independence means in Canada. Media accuse politicians who address policy issues with police of interfering in police operations. Ongoing pro-Palestinian protests in Canada...
Autonomous, Not Untouchable: New Report Urges Canada to Rethink Police Accountability
Winnipeg, September 2024 – A new report from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy titled “They Must Not Become the Law Unto Themselves: Bringing Made-in-Canada Democratic Accountability to Autonomous Policing” argues that police independence in Canada is...
Healthcare Innovation Isn’t ‘Scary.’ Canada’s Broken System Is
Why is the Globe and Mail afraid of healthcare reform that works? The Globe and Mail editorial board seems to find healthcare innovation “scary.” On Sept. 3, it published an editorial called “Danielle Smith has a scary fix for healthcare,” criticizing the Alberta...