Jobs and Energy

Where does the president stand... jobs or special interest groups?
Published on December 8, 2011

Interesting development in Congress with the Republican’s linking a timely decision on the Keystone Pipeline to the extension of a cut to payroll taxes.

Environmentalist express their anti-social opinion to this action….

Environmental groups, however, are applauding Obama’s threat to veto payroll tax legislation that would also speed up Keystone XL.

So where does the president stand?  Does he support jobs for the working person or dogma spouted by latte environmental activists?

Maybe the President should look at the rapidly expanding labour markets in the US and ask how energy development relates to jobs and expanded employment.  In the last year, the county surrounding Williston ND has expanded its labour force by 25%.  How many other counties could get on that fast track train if expanded pipeline capacity can provide them with a market for tight oil?

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