Year: 2011

Featured News

Why the Wheat Board Monopoly is Being Removed: The historical circumstances that gave birth to the Canadian Wheat Board have changed.

As Western Canadian farmers have become larger, more educated, and more sophisticated, they placed greater value on autonomy and freedom of choice, as evidenced by the Conservative sweep of the rural Western vote. Changing economics, demographics, technology, and values have left many farmers desiring “marketing choice” instead of monopoly.

Pacific Nations

It should be both a national economic and national security priority to expand our ability to supply energy to our trading partners in those regions.

Obama Abandons (Private) Labor: The Keystone decision is a signal to blue-collar workers that this is no longer their fathers’ Democratic Party.

The decision by the Obama administration to “delay” building the Keystone XL pipeline is a watershed moment in American politics. The implication of a policy choice rarely gets more stark than this. Put simply: Why should any blue-collar worker who isn’t hooked for life to a public budget vote for Barack Obama next year?