Keystone – Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

It is time to have frank discussion with the USA about the energy industry.
Published on January 20, 2012

From the Washington Post on rejecting the Keystone pipeline.

“It isn’t often that a president makes a decision that has no redeeming virtues and — beyond the symbolism — won’t even advance the goals of the groups that demanded it.”

There may be one redeeming value for Canada in this decision.  Perhaps now both companies and the Canadian Government will realize that we have to develop additional export markets for our energy products beyond the continental USA.  I wonder if anyone in Ottawa is working on energy security discussions with our allies in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan?

Second, under the NAFTA, the USA claims equal right of access to our energy resources during a period of shortage, say like when Iran blockages the Gulf States.  I wonder in my mind if this is a good agreement when in fair weather, our “ally” impedes exports and drains a few billion dollars per year from our country by distorting the continental energy markets?

It is time to have  frank discussion with the USA about the energy industry.

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