Cable & Television Industry show strong results for 2011

Over the past year or two a great deal has been written about the demise of the existing business models in video distribution and broadcasting and declaring the irrelevance of […]
Published on April 9, 2012

Over the past year or two a great deal has been written about the demise of the existing business models in video distribution and broadcasting and declaring the irrelevance of the CRTC.  As Internet video grows there have been more predictions of the end of cable and old line broadcasters.

Well, that may be where we are headed, but it’s going more slowly than many have expected.  Financial results on the industry released by the CRTC last week show continuing strong performance.  Cable continues to grow and show strong profitability although satellite is stagnant based on the end of August 2011 reports.  Private conventional broadcasters’ revenue was holding steady and the CBC managed to increase ad sales by 9%.

Is there lots of life left in the old model yet or has internet video growth slowed because of the price increases implemented for internet usage?

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