Year: 2013

Global Warming Alarmists Abusing Our Children: The facts don’t support the propaganda environmentalist feeding our children

Environmental alarmists continue to target and abuse our children by perpetuating the drumbeat of doom. No doubt there is more to come. But the scare tactics used in schools need to be eliminated, because the facts don’t support their claims. Rational environmentalists have moved on to discuss how the planet is healing itself from the burst of industrialization.

Featured News

Government Is Too Expensive

Is it really sustainable for your paycheque to go up by 2 per cent a year, but your hydro bill to go up by 4 per cent, your school taxes by 6 per cent, your property taxes by 3.5 per cent and the provincial sales tax to go up to 8 per cent? Obviously it isn’t sustainable, but that’s what’s going on; government is simply becoming way too expensive for many people.

Toward a Self Employed Nation?

The United States labor market has been undergoing a substantial shift toward small-scale entrepreneurship. The number of proprietors – owners of businesses who are not wage and salary employees, has skyrocketed, especially in the last decade. Proprietors are self employed business owners who use Internal Revenue Service Schedule C to file their federal income tax. Wage and salary workers are all employees of any establishment (private or government), from executives to non-supervisory workers.

How the Rob Ford Crack Scandal Could Save Toronto: Rob Ford’s political meltdown could lead to the reversal of one of the most disastrous policy decisions in Canadian history: the amalgamation of Toronto.

Rob Ford may be the best thing to happen to Toronto in a long time. Alleged crack-smoking and ass-grabbing aside, the political meltdown of the embattled mayor of Canada’s largest city may inadvertently help undo one of the most disastrous public policy decisions in Canadian history: the amalgamation of Toronto by former premier Mike Harris.

Grabbing Money with Both Hands

Grabbing money with both hands (and not letting go) is the image that sums up the essence of what the California mega project to build a high speed train from Sacramento to San Diego is all about. Currently guesstimated at $68 billion, of which only $12 billion appear...