The last few years can be tracked at two levels: the physical reality around us and the realm of the intellectual, mental, and psychological. The first level has presented a chaotic narrative of the previously unthinkable. A killer virus that turned out to be what...
Think Tanks
Shrugging-Off The Atlas Network
THE ATLAS NETWORK has been trending lately – in the minds of the New Zealand Left. Devastated by the election result, and further demoralised by recent polling showing the Right increasing its grip on New Zealanders’ political imagination, the Atlas Network has...
Grey Matter: Think Tanks Influencing Policy – Peter Holle
In this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Peter Holle have a conversation about how he came to organize a powerful "Think Tank", some of the work he has been doing to help evolve the system of Government, and why it's so important to challenge the status...
Frontier Centre For Public Policy Focuses on Better Public Policy
Frontier Centre's VP Engagement & Development David Leis was interviewed by about the role of think tanks. Bad policies need calling out because bad policy choices turn into bad ideas. Bad ideas are hard to kill and can have serious consequences. The...
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Think Tanks Matter
On January 30th Frontier Centre for Public Policy joined together with more than 145 think tanks, IGOs, NGOs, and civil society organizations around the world to hosted “Why Think Tanks Matter: The Future of Think Tanks and Policy Advice.” Events took place in 85...
Why Think Tanks Matter?
On January 30th Frontier Centre for Public Policy joined together with more than 145 think tanks, IGOs, NGOs, and civil society organizations around the world hosted “Why Think Tanks Matter: The Future of Think Tanks and Policy Advice.” Events took place in 85...
We See Thee Rise: Canada’s Emerging Role In Policy Leadership
Alejandro Chafuen, Forbes In their 2010 book The Canadian Century: Moving Out of America’s Shadow, Brian Lee Crowley, Jason Clemens, and Niels Veldhuis, three leading Canadian policy and think tank experts, described the great opportunity lying ahead for our northern...
Happy Holidays 2013
The Board and Staff of the Frontier Centre would like to wish you peace, health and happiness throughout the coming year. We look forward to sharing our vision for a stronger and more prosperous Canadian society with you in 2014 and for many years to come.
Media Release – Frontier Centre Appoints New Vice-President of Research
The Frontier Centre for Public Policy, an independent Western Canadian think tank with offices in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, has appointed policy commentator, author and the policy director of the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association Dr. Robert Murray as its new Vice-President of Research effective October 1, 2013.
Media Release – Frontier Centre Expanding; Adds Two New Senior Fellows
The Frontier Centre for Public Policy is proud to announce the appointment of two new Senior Fellows, Dr. Frank Atkins and Dr. Pierre Desrochers. With their appointment, the Centre increases the depth of its intellectual ranks.
We See Thee Rise: Canada’s Emerging Role In Policy Leadership
In their 2010 book The Canadian Century: Moving Out of America’s Shadow, Brian Lee Crowley, Jason Clemens, and Niels Veldhuis, three leading Canadian policy and think tank experts, described the great opportunity lying ahead for our northern neighbor. Public policy reforms that increased market incentives, opened new areas to trade and production, and moved toward increased economic freedom and financial stability, reversed the trends that made Canada lag behind the U.S. Canada today ranks ahead of the United States in economic freedom and in transparency, as well as in many other economic indicators such as lower levels of debt, less unemployment, and higher GDP growth.
The Rise Of University-Based Free Market Think Tanks Will Greatly Enhance The Liberty Discussion
During the last decades, most of the efforts to study the importance of free enterprise and to develop private solutions to public policy problems took place at independent think tanks. The economic freedom indices, health savings accounts and the focus on regulatory burdens are good examples. Leadership came from think tanks, not the academy.
Behind The Scenes
As our blog is a little more casual than our regular publications, I think it provides a good opportunity to give you all a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at what we do here at the Frontier. Given how spread out we are across the country, we usually conduct our...