Year: 2014

Critical Issues In Education Today

Education researcher Michael Zwaagstra has a new handbook out from the Frontier Centre. Parents’ Guide to Common Sense Education in Saskatchewan covers issues ranging from standardized testing to report cards and teaching strategies. What issues are the most critical...

Pesticide Bans Not Worth The Cost

Beginning next year, Manitoba will begin enforcing a province-wide ban on most uses of synthetic weed killers and other commercial pesticides. All private yards and most public green spaces, such as sports fields, will be affected by the ban. More expensive, and...

Are Baggage Fees Here to Stay?

Last week, WestJet announced that it will begin charging a $25 to $29.50 fee for the first piece of checked luggage on some domestic flights. Days later, Air Canada announced matching fees. WestJet defended its move claiming that about a quarter of its passengers do...

Featured News

U of M must address equity of student fees

University of Manitoba president David Bernard got off without serious battle wounds when Education Minister James Allum rejected his proposal to increase the graduate student fees by more than 300 per cent. He was fortunate, because the University of Saskatchewan...

Courts Discriminate Against Dads

Gender roles in Canadian society have changed dramatically over the decades.  With women participating more fully in the workforce, men are taking on more of the responsibility of child care. Despite this change in family dynamics, the courts still treat mothers...

Conversation with David Vardy

David Vardy holds degrees in Economics from Memorial University, the University of Toronto and Princeton University. He was a member of the economics faculty at Queen’s University before returning to Newfoundland and Labrador to serve as a senior public servant for...