Day 10 – Frontier’s Advent Calendar

Day 10 – Advent is the season of preparing for Christmas. Here at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy we want to tell you about some of the things we would […]
Published on December 10, 2017

Day 10 – Advent is the season of preparing for Christmas. Here at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy we want to tell you about some of the things we would like to see under our tree.


On Day 10 we wish that governments would replace rent controls (which strangle new private rental housing supply) with housing vouchers that would allow low income earners broader choice.

Suggested Readings:

Why Rent Control Fails to Ensure High Quality Low Cost Rental housing” – Steve Lafleur – (one page)

Rent Control and Affordable Housing in Alberta” – Frank Atkins – (one page)

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Toronto, Vancouver Named ‘Impossibly Unaffordable’

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