Year: 2018

New Chance for a Good Idea

New Chance for a Good Idea

"If you ever ask yourself, why indigenous people line up during Treaty Days to collect $5.00 and why is it still $5.00? That $5.00 should have been raised with inflation. Annuity payments were in lieu of giving the access to the minerals. The annuities that were...

Profile Series: Chanelle Armstrong

Profile Series: Chanelle Armstrong

For Chanelle Armstrong, 31, creating her family business Stay Native was a chance to turn a growing New Zealand tourism industry into an opportunity to promote self-reliance among the Indigenous Māori. Many Māori businesses aim to help their community. “Being a social...

Blowing Up Climate Change

Blowing Up Climate Change

Canadian Thanksgiving was a blast for climate change propagandists. Monday’s turkey was in the oven as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that increasing carbon dioxide would destroy the earth. Elsewhere, Canada’s largest oil refinery...

Featured News

Demand Fairness from Ottawa and Edmonton

A few weeks ago, Albertans voted to reduce the inequities in the federal equalization program. The deficit between the dollars that leave to and come back from Ottawa has recently been as high as $27 billion in one year. During times of crisis, it feels like salt in...

Homeless Child Welfare Wards

Homeless Child Welfare Wards

More than half of Winnipeg’s Indigenous homeless population are former wards of Child and Family Services. A former CFS ward explained on CBC that the fifty percent figure was too low, not taking into account the significant number of former wards who “couch surf”....

War on Ideas

War on Ideas

The War on Ideas. Raising the bar on better public policy.  Ideas have consequences in particular bad ideas. The Overton Window has shifted. Support a broader discussion of ideas that improve public knowledge, support Frontier Centre for Public...

Let’s Make Equalization Accountable

Let’s Make Equalization Accountable

Equalization diminishes productivity, hinders sustainable economic development, and lacks accountability and transparency. The federal government transfers billions of dollars in Equalization to provinces each year without evaluating whether the transfers achieve the...

Equalization Hurts Every Canadian

Equalization Hurts Every Canadian

The controversies that have erupted over equalization in recent days must seem tiresome to many Canadians. Our national debates on equalization have been marked by conflict, obscure technical jargon, little research on the impact of the program, excessive vitriol and...