Year: 2018

The Silence of the People

The Silence of the People

The federal government is moving full-speed ahead to dramatically reform the relationship between the Crown and Canada’s Indigenous people through a new Indigenous Rights, Recognition and Implementation Framework and through a suite of legislative changes. However,...

MacDonald’s Mistake

MacDonald’s Mistake

Looking for a bargain for a statue of John A. Macdonald. Victoria City Council has removed John A. from City Hall where it was for has as long as can remember. Why: to promote reconciliation with Indigenous people. This is but the latest of attacks on Canadian...

The IPCC’s Latest Climate Hysteria

The IPCC’s Latest Climate Hysteria

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report 15 claims the latest disaster “tipping point” is just 12 years away. If governments around the world fail to make “rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society,” human civilization and...

Featured News

Canada Wins If The Globe Warms

Canada Wins If The Globe Warms

“Why can’t Al Gore be right?” asked my friend as we suffered another bitter Canadian winter. Intolerable Januaries aside, global warming alarmists suggest we should be happy if global warming does not occur. But that may not be the case, especially so for Canadians. A...

Toxic Feminism

Toxic Feminism

Feminism began as a challenge to male domination and female subordination. It could have become a champion of equality and the dignity of individual human beings. Unfortunately, contemporary feminism is not a liberation from sexism. It is true that feminism rejects...

Our History-Warts and All

Our History-Warts and All

The modern fashion of attempting to rewrite history appears to be gaining ground. Hector Langevin’s name no longer adorns his building in Ottawa, Cornwallis’s statue has been toppled, and the history rewriters are busily taking dead aim at our most famous Canadian of...

Sex, Law, and Religion

Sex, Law, and Religion

Two thousand years ago, two small religious groups fought against the prevailing sexual morality of the Roman Empire. Unlike their neighbours, who were permitted to abuse their wives, have sex with their slaves, keep concubines, patronize brothels, attend orgies, and...

Smoot-Hawley Redux?

Smoot-Hawley Redux?

The Trump administration has unveiled a long list of punishing tariffs that will affect everyone. This time around they will not exempt Canadian steel and aluminium. Is this the beginning of a worldwide trade war, or simply a clever negotiating tactic by a President...