The Tides Foundation Washes Over Canada

Tides is not the only organization involved in the anti-oilsands efforts, but it rivals the Rockefeller Brothers Fund as the best known. This paper profiles the 51 Canadian organizations that […]
Published on July 28, 2020

Tides is not the only organization involved in the anti-oilsands efforts, but it rivals the Rockefeller Brothers Fund as the best known. This paper profiles the 51 Canadian organizations that the Tides Foundation gave USD $20,000 or more in 2016. This examination gives some indication of the scope of interest held by these organizations, their impacts, and sometimes other interesting details. They are ranked in order of the dollar amounts they received, with figures in U.S. dollars. The composite picture from these findings represents a staggering amount of influence and impact on Canadian politics and resource development. Changes to law and policy to prevent this international interference are worth consideration. In the meantime, Canada keeps losing.







Lee Harding is a research associate with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.

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