From Truth Comes Reconciliation: An Assessment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report

Dedicated to the thousands of people –both Indigenous and non-Indigenous — who were good and honourable servants to the children in Canada’s Indian residential school and hostels.
Published on July 20, 2021

Edited by Rodney A. Clifton and Mark DeWolf
347pp  ISBN: 978-0-9878954-3-1 (softcover)
Frontier Centre for Public Policy March 2020

“While the TRC heard many experiences of unspeakable abuse, we have been heartened by testimonies which affirm the dedication and compassion of committed educators who sought to nurture the children in their care. These experiences must also be heard” – Senator Murray Sinclair, Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Calgary Herald August 5, 2010)

This book is dedicated to all former IRS students, not only those for whom the residential school experience was demonstrably positive, but also to those who greatly suffered as a result of their experiences.

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