Media Release – Saskatchewan Can Take the Lead: The Future of E-Government in Saskatchewan

Using the European state of Estonia as a model, this study shows how Saskatchewan has an opportunity to place itself at the front of the pack delivering services and fostering greater entrepreneurship among Canadian governments by enhancing its e-Government services.
Published on March 25, 2013

Saskatoon, SK:  March 25, 2013.  The Frontier Centre for Public Policy released today The Future of E-Government in Saskatchewan, a policy study written by Jan Pavel.

In this policy study, Pavel examines the current status of government services driven by information technology in provincial and municipal governments in Saskatchewan, and looks at what the province could learn from Estonia – a recognised world leader in this area. Estonia delivers a great number of services to its own citizens through the Internet.  The study also details the potential benefits of the adoption of best practice policies and systems to Saskatchewan.

“Many government services in Saskatchewan are still offered on Web sites with only interactive functions. On these sites, visitors can download the required forms, read application guides or ask questions by e-mail. However, the actual submission is conducted using regular mail or in person,” explains Pavel.

The adoption of better and more capable e-government systems would allow Saskatchewan to provide much improved services to its citizens in a diverse range of areas, from education and health, to tax and perhaps even voting.

“Converting these services into true end-to-end e-services would most certainly improve their convenience for users as well as the efficiency of service delivery. Saskatchewan can strengthen its competitive advantage, contain or reduce government costs, create new industries, bring government services to even the most remote areas, empower citizens and market Saskatchewan worldwide,” concludes Pavel.

Currently working as an Operations Manager for an immigration and business consulting company, Pavel holds a Master’s Degree in Political Studies from the University of Saskatchewan and a Master’s Degree in International Relations & European Studies from the Masaryk University in the Czech Republic.


A copy of The Future of E-Government in Saskatchewan is available for download here.

For more information or to arrange an interview with the study's author, media (only) may contact:

Jan Pavel


Marco Navarro-Genie, PhD
Vice-President of Research



Jan Pavel is Operations Manager at an international immigration and business consulting firm. Jan holds a Master’s Degree in Political Studies from the University of Saskatchewan and a Master’s Degree in International Relations & European Studies from the Masaryk University in the Czech Republic. He has written major research papers on topics that include interest group participation in policy making, transparency of lobbying, and the productivity of the public sector. Jan also contributed to research on flow-through shares and investment promotion in bio-research and in the development of policies for Metis and Non-Status Indian people of Canada. Jan came to Canada as an exchange student and then decided to make Saskatchewan his new home.

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