Is It Time for a New National Dream

When western Canada entered confederation, the construction of a national rail line was a key element of connecting the country east-to-west. In today’s world, I wonder if we need a […]
Published on March 22, 2012

When western Canada entered confederation, the construction of a national rail line was a key element of connecting the country east-to-west.

In today’s world, I wonder if we need a new national dream to enable infrastructure systems, namely roads, rail lines, power lines and pipelines to be constructed with a minimum of delays and cost for investors?

Is it time for federal, provincial and municipal governments to commit to a process to zone and pre-approve designated infrastructure corridors that enable industry to develop and expand across Canada?  This model in concept would be the equivalent of the Dominion Land Survey that predefined road allowances instead of requiring each road to go through its own assessment process.

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