Come From Behind?

The news this week is that Newt is looking good in the Republican race.
Published on November 13, 2011

The news this week is that Newt is looking good in the Republican race.

After watching some of the debate on foreign affairs issues, I have to admit that he does appear competent on that file.

One thing I wonder about is on domestic policy.  He advocates requiring everyone receiving un-employment assistance to participate in skills upgrading.  Where is that delivery capacity going to come from and how much will it cost?

I am a believer in the idea of active instead of passive employment supports, but pursuing that approach requires investment instead of spending cuts.  Effective training and skills enhancement of un-employed people includes allowing them time to participate in training programs instead of forcing them to take the first available job at a fast food restaurant.  Is this what Newt is proposing, or is he instead proposing to dump a pile of money into busy work training programs that only benefits the training companies instead of the unemployed?

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