1st Annual Responsible Budgeting Report

Responsible Budgeting is a new project by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy aimed at giving citizens a broader understanding of how provincial and territorial governments receive and spend money […]
Published on January 22, 2014

Responsible Budgeting is a new project by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy aimed at giving citizens a broader understanding of how provincial and territorial governments receive and spend money in relatable terms.

In a time when many governments are hard-pressed to balance their budgets and address their debt, it’s important that citizens have an understanding of how government budgets relate to their lives.

The Responsible Budgeting project focuses on presenting financial information in a relatable manner, by imagining the province as a family and adjusting budget figures to match.

Rather than simply calculating per-household costs for various government services, the report actually scales provincial budgets down to the size of an average household budget.

Visit the Responsible Budgeting website for more details:


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