A Vision for Canada – Lt. Col. David Redman

The July 5-6, 2024 FreedomTalk conference featured the theme of “The Decline and Fall of Western Civilization: Our Choice?” , Lt. Col. David Redman talked about his view that Canada […]
Published on July 28, 2024

The July 5-6, 2024 FreedomTalk conference featured the theme of “The Decline and Fall of Western Civilization: Our Choice?” , Lt. Col. David Redman talked about his view that Canada needs to develop a national vision, something that we had had back in the 1960s and which had made Canada the envy of the world when we celebrated our Centennial in 1967. Today, we claim to be a ‘climate leader’ but Col. Redman disputes that as being just a niche interest; one which does not consider the larger national interests. He was interviewed by the Friends of Science Society which advocates for open, civil debate on climate and energy policies and full cost-benefit analysis before policy implementation. (19 minutes)

Watch on YouTube here, (19 minutes) July 20, 2024.


Related Items:

Read: Canada 2024: A Confident Resilient Nation or a Fearful Fractured Country?, (20 pages) March 21, 2024.

Watch: Leaders on the Frontier – Resilient Nation or a Fractured Country?, (67 minutes) April 30, 2024.

Watch Frontier Live on X – Fearful Fractured Canada?, (63 minutes) March 21, 2024.


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