New Chance for a Good Idea

“If you ever ask yourself, why indigenous people line up during Treaty Days to collect $5.00 and why is it still $5.00? That $5.00 should have been raised with inflation. […]
Published on October 21, 2018

“If you ever ask yourself, why indigenous people line up during Treaty Days to collect $5.00 and why is it still $5.00? That $5.00 should have been raised with inflation. Annuity payments were in lieu of giving the access to the minerals. The annuities that were negotiated during the treaties were linked to the value of the land. Why didn’t the annuities keep pace with land values?”

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National Indigenous History Month Should Promote Truth Telling

National Indigenous History Month Should Promote Truth Telling

The Canadian House of Commons designated June as National Aboriginal History Month in 2009. The name was changed to National Indigenous History Month in 2017. The theme of the first week of this year’s effort to “honour the stories, achievements and resilience of...