Was There a Cultural Genocide in Canada?

Was there a cultural genocide in Canada as claimed in the Truth and Reconciliation Report?  Mass graves at residential schools?   An interview with Professor Rodney Clifton, co-editor of “From Truth […]
Published on September 15, 2021

Was there a cultural genocide in Canada as claimed in the Truth and Reconciliation Report?  Mass graves at residential schools?   An interview with Professor Rodney Clifton, co-editor of “From Truth Comes Reconciliation: Assessing the Truth and Reconciliation Report”   Interviewed by Drew Eldridge on the podcast Christian Voices.


Rodney A. Clifton lived in two residential schools, working as the senior boys’ supervisor in Stringer Hall, Inuvik. He is a professor emeritus at the University of Manitoba and a senior fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. His most recent book, edited with Mark DeWolf, is “From Truth Comes Reconciliation: An Assessment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report” (Winnipeg, MB, Frontier Centre for Public Policy, 2021). 

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