
A Donor-Funded CBC?

A Donor-Funded CBC?

CBC Radio was once a national treasure. From Peter Gzowski through Arthur Black, Shelagh Rogers and Danny Finkleman, a turn of the knob rewarded the listener with information, entertainment, and humour. Nowadays, a push of the button is more likely to bring on someone...

Featured News

Economists vs the Public on Minimum Wages

Economists vs the Public on Minimum Wages

Raising the minimum wage is a popular policy among voters. Recent polls from Ontario found strong support for the province’s minimum wage hike, and in the United States, a Pew Research poll in 2016 showed that by a margin of 52 percent to 46, Americans supported more...

The Victim Industry

The Victim Industry

The Globe and Mail reported on August 17, 2018 that different factions of lawyers involved in what is termed the “60s Scoop” class action suit are squabbling over $75,000,000 in fees that are up for grabs for the work they claim to have done to date. Recall that...

Feminists Assault Science

Feminists Assault Science

Feminism is a closed, partisan ideology designed to lobby for female advantage. Science is an open exploration designed to test and expand knowledge. Feminism and science are entirely incompatible.[1] Feminism rejects biological knowledge about the differences of...