
Terrorism on Easter Sunday

Terrorism on Easter Sunday

The massacre of Muslims at prayer in New Zealand On March 15, 2019 is yet another appalling example of the horrors of extreme hatred. In this case the mass murderer was a deluded white supremacist. Other recently targeted victims have been Jews at worship in...

Can you imagine stumbling upon the Mad Hatter’s tea party, watching as the discussions become increasingly absurd – and yet wanting a permanent seat at the table? Could Lewis Carroll have been having nightmares about the Paris climate treaty when he wrote Alice’s...

Featured News

Biases in the Media

Biases in the Media

A recent Gallup poll in the United States revealed that while 62% of Democratic party voters trusted the media, only 14% of Republicans believed that the media could be relied on to get the facts straight. Is there really bias in the news and public affairs media? Is...

EPA Endangerment Finding Endangers USA

EPA Endangerment Finding Endangers USA

Nine years ago, the Obama Environmental Protection Agency issued an “Endangerment Finding.” It claimed that methane leaks from natural gas production and pipelines, and manmade carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels, cause dangerous global warming that...

Wab Kinew: The New NDP Leader

Wab Kinew: The New NDP Leader

The dust has still not settled after Wab Kinew was elected as the new leader of Manitoba’s New Democratic Party. He has admitted to past indiscretions, but revelations of a domestic violence charge from some years ago gave rise to a flurry of negative comments from...

Taking the Air out of Airbnb

Taking the Air out of Airbnb

In Canada, Airbnb is getting...well...deflated. The ironic reason is that it has become too popular. Airbnb is an online service for “Air bed and breakfast.” It's for guests who want a cheap place to stay the night, even if it's on an air mattress. Since its 2008...