Alexandre Massaux

India: A Growing Market for Alberta

India: A Growing Market for Alberta

Asia is a significant continent for the economic interests of Canada and its Prairie Provinces. India is among the most powerful countries in this region of the world and can be an asset for the Prairie Provinces as a future market. If economic relations can be...

Featured News

Foreign Influence in Canadian Economy?

Foreign Influence in Canadian Economy?

Foreign influence or interference has become a mediatic topic. The fear and suspicion of interference in the elections and democratic process have been in news headlines. For the western countries, the suspicion bears on Russia and China. Revisionist powers have a...

Trade with Mercosur: Opportunities for Canada

Trade with Mercosur: Opportunities for Canada

In November 2018, Canada and Mercosur opened negotiations for a free trade agreement. The Mercosur, composed of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (Venezuela is a suspended member from 2016), represents a bloc representing a GDP of over $3 trillion and a...

CUSMA the New NAFTA: Boon or Bane For Canada?

CUSMA the New NAFTA: Boon or Bane For Canada?

In 1994, the United States, Mexico and Canada created a free-trade region with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Considering the fact that the USA is the largest economy in the world (from 1994 to present), NAFTA was a true asset for the Canadian...