Brian Giesbrecht

The Kamloops Graves

The Kamloops Graves

“Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity, where some people are held liable for things that happened before they were born, while others are not held responsible for things they are themselves doing today?” - Thomas Sowell Canadians reacted with horror to the...

Pallister Passports

Pallister Passports

The Pallister government has recently announced a new tactic in its campaign to persuade more people to become vaccinated - immunization passports. Those carrying passports will not have to isolate for two weeks when returning to Manitoba. Proof of both doses of an...

Bishop Grandin Boulevard

Bishop Grandin Boulevard

There is a concerted effort in Winnipeg to rename Bishop Grandin Boulevard. The Mayor is in support. The Bishop has been convicted of a crime he didn’t know existed when he was alive a century or so ago - thinking like a man of his time. But Grandin would be doubly...

Featured News

Propaganda Rules the World

One of the greatest books that explain how the world works is Propaganda by Edward Bernays. The man dubbed “the father of public relations” applied the psychological ideas of his uncle Sigmund Freud upon the masses, triggering their basic motivations to the benefit of...

Rural Crime

Rural Crime

Rural crime has received a lot of attention lately. For Douglas Cuthand, an Indigenous Saskatchewan columnist, the phrase ‘rural crime‘ is code for crimes committed by Indigenous thugs. In Saskatchewan, and likely for Alberta and Manitoba as well, an Indigenous man is...

The MMIW Gets More Money

The MMIW Gets More Money

The Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women Inquiry (MMIW) was back in the news recently. They asked the federal government for a two year extension on their mandate, and an additional $50,000,000. They have apparently already burned through the $54,000,000 they had...

The Notwithstanding Clause

The Notwithstanding Clause

Section 33 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms allows Parliament and provincial legislatures to override certain Charter rights. Despite criticism from some politicians, academics and the media, the clause is constitutionally-sound and useful. Section 33 has a...

MacDonald’s Mistake

MacDonald’s Mistake

Looking for a bargain for a statue of John A. Macdonald. Victoria City Council has removed John A. from City Hall where it was for has as long as can remember. Why: to promote reconciliation with Indigenous people. This is but the latest of attacks on Canadian...

Louis Riel

Louis Riel

One of Canada’s best known historic heroes has taken quite a shellacking lately. John A. Macdonald’s statue was removed from a place of prominence in Victoria by order of its city council, and there have been calls elsewhere for buildings that honour his memory to be...

The Ukrainian Voice

The Ukrainian Voice

“Be proud of your heritage - be passionate about your country”, the motto of The Ukrainian Voice, a Winnipeg based newspaper that recently ceased operations. First published in 1910, it was the leading advocate for Ukrainians in Canada. In this digital age it couldn’t...

Canada’s Multiculturalism Model

Canada’s Multiculturalism Model

Canada’s multiculturalism policy came together largely in response to the strong separatist movement that took hold in Quebec during the 1970s. Those were the days of the firebrand Rene Levesque and the extreme Rose brothers. Pierre Trudeau’s Liberal government...