Brian Lee Crowley

Canadians Vote With Their Feet: Subsidizing poorly performing parts of the country can’t substitute for the policy choices that foster prosperity, writes Brian Lee Crowley

No man is an island. What is true of individuals is doubly true of societies. When even in authoritarian societies such as Iran and China, YouTube videos from Tunisia, Britain or Argentina can be viewed the instant they are posted, even the humble and the oppressed know what life is like elsewhere.

Exiting the Transfer Payment Game

One idea that has received a great deal of currency in recent years is that of transferring to the provinces the sales tax field and allowing them to collect the GST and set the rate within their borders in exchange for an end to Ottawa’s transfers in many areas of social policy.

How Immigration Could Save America

Suppose that one million new immigrants responded to this opportunity. Unlike most foreign investors, these are people who would be making the ultimate commitment to America, choosing to live there and ultimately becoming citizens. These one million new investors would put $200-billion into the housing market immediately, soaking up excess supply without drawing on the strained balance sheets of financial institutions.

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