Gerry Bowler

Parents Versus the Mouse

Parents Versus the Mouse

To be “woke” is to have the approved left-leaning opinions about race, the ecology, and all manner of social-justice issues. Since 2018, the maxim “go woke, go broke” has declared that corporations that go out of their way to be “progressive” suffer financially when...

Archives and the Memory Hole

Archives and the Memory Hole

Nikolia Ivanovich Yezhov was not a nice man, but for a time he was an important one. He was a favourite of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin and head of the NKVD, the USSR’s secret police. As such he was responsible for the arrests, tortures, and executions of his...

When an Emergency is Not an Emergency

When an Emergency is Not an Emergency

There were many arguments used in the past week to justify calls for the use of the Emergencies Act. In order to bolster the claim that the traffic jam in downtown Ottawa constituted a threat to national security, Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair insisted...

Featured News

Traditional Teaching is not Obsolete

Artificial intelligence has come a long way. Unlike the rudimentary software of the past, modern-day programs such as ChatGPT are truly impressive. Whether you need a 1,000-word essay summarizing the history of Manitoba, a 500-word article extolling the virtues of...

Canada Was No Stranger to Epidemics

Canada Was No Stranger to Epidemics

They called it the Spanish Lady and it was a killer. In March 1918, in the fourth year of a war in which the Allies were in retreat from a German onslaught, a new and horrible disease landed on the shores of eastern North America.  The killer was a new strain of...

Civil Disobedience and Its Discontents

Civil Disobedience and Its Discontents

In 1849 the philosopher Henry David Thoreau was angry at his government’s actions in the Mexican-American War and at the continued legality of slavery in the U.S. In response he published an essay entitled “Civil Disobedience” in which he stated that that the evils of...

The Value of Life

The Value of Life

I was watching a very moving piece of cinema the other day. It concerned a beautiful young woman, happily married to a successful doctor, who suddenly falls victim to a debilitating and incurable disease. She is horrified to think what will soon happen to her and...

Whose Side Are You On?

Whose Side Are You On?

"The red coats we know, but who are those little black devils?” This was the question posed by a Métis prisoner after the Battle of Fish Creek. Thus was born the nickname of the military unit that would later be known as the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, one that had been...

Cancelling Our Culture

Cancelling Our Culture

The Cancel Culture has claimed another victim. Renowned poet George Elliott Clarke has backed out of giving the University of Regina’s Woodrow Lloyd Lecture over accusations from Indigenous activists that he associates with another poet who once did a bad thing. His...

Taking Control of the English Language

Taking Control of the English Language

If you are an activist who wants to persuade your fellow citizens of the correctness of your views, the first thing you should do is take control of the English language. Change the meanings of words so that your enemies can be accused of any crime and your side can...