Graham Lane

Resurrecting Hydro from the Walking Dead

Resurrecting Hydro from the Walking Dead

With the completion of the Limestone Dam in 1990, with its large and low-cost generation capacity, the future outlook for meeting Manitoba’s electricity needs at low cost looked very positive.  But, thirty years later, instead of Manitoba Hydro’s finances strong and...

Falling Immigration, a Troubling Signal

Falling Immigration, a Troubling Signal

Manitoba shows no sign that its policies will be able to maintain the working population, while, over time, returning to annual balanced budgets and cutting taxes to keep the private sector that is here now. This dismal prediction is partially drawn by observing the...

Time for Public Sector Adjustment

Time for Public Sector Adjustment

Brian Pallister likely knows that his time as Premier of Manitoba, now still leading a solid majority government, is coming to an end.  Fortunately for Pallister, his party and Manitoba, if he retires soon, by bringing in a new PC leader he could be remembered for...

Manitoba’s Model at a Dead End

Manitoba’s Model at a Dead End

Circa 1915 Winnipeg was frequently described as a second Chicago, a serious transportation hub with a bustling private economy. In 1921 it was the third-largest city in Canada. In the 1960s Winnipeg was western Canada’s corporate headquarters city.  Today Winnipeg is...

Featured News

Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

Best option for Hydro in future

With announcements coming as regular as church bells ringing on a Sunday morning, it is clear that regardless of reason, risk and ratepayers' pocketbooks, the Selinger NDP government will push Manitoba Hydro into a potentially devastating expansion. With the Clean...

Spinning Electicity Export Sales

Premier Greg Selinger has announced more future export sales of Manitoba Hydro's electricity to American utilities. His spin reminds me of the old adage: When something seems too good to be true, watch out! With his latest announcement, the line between the NDP...