Graham Lane

Featured News

Public Utilities Board needs an overhaul

Despite major missteps taken by the Public Utilities Board with respect to Manitoba Hydro, the PUB is worth saving. That said, it needs a major overhaul. The PUB is supposed to balance the interests of monopoly firms and their customers. The agency has been in...

A chance for change at MPI

With Manitoba Public Insurance's Marilyn McLaren having announced her intention to retire, the search for a new president will begin. Before determining the qualifications required, advertising the position and selecting the monopoly auto insurer's new leader, the NDP...

Hydro Has Conflict With Gas

Two energy sources dominate Manitoba's winter heating environment: hydro-generated electricity and natural gas. One, through the electricity grid, has been extended, assisted by significant government and ratepayer subsidies, to cover over 98 per cent of households....

No Skin in the Game

The NDP government has and is pressuring (if not bullying) Manitoba Hydro into pursuing a massive $20-billion plus expansion of its transmission and hydro-electric generation infrastructure, a plan based on the premise of profitable sales of excess power to American...

Manitoba Hydro’s Halcyon Days are Gone

Policy Note by Graham Lane, former Chair of the Manitoba Public Utilities Board which observes that changed economic and technological circumstances make a massive expansion of new dam and transmission capacity by Manitoba Hydro too risky to proceed.