A November 29 Blacklocks Reporter post revealed that Kimberly Murray, Independent Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools, advised Canada’s cabinet that she accepts that some...
Hymie Rubenstein
Fired Alberta Professor Largely Vindicated
An arbitrator has ruled that Calgary’s Mount Royal University (MRU) acted in a “disproportionate” manner in late 2021 in its firing of Frances Widdowson, a tenured political scientist with a speciality in Indigenous issues. Dr. Widdowson, an outspoken critic of...
Positive Stories About Indian Residential Schools Must Also Be Heard
A quick Internet search for stories about Canada’s Indian Residential Schools would only yield negative ones. Accounts from self-proclaimed “survivors”—an inflammatory label deliberately selected to make former students seem like Holocaust survivors—include reports...
New Report Offers a Nuanced Perspective on Canada’s Indian Residential Schools
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Positive stories about Indian Residential Schools must also be heard New Report Offers a Nuanced Perspective on Canada’s Indian Residential Schools Winnipeg, MB –Sept. 10, 2024 – The Frontier Centre for Public Policy is pleased to announce the...
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
On National Indigenous Peoples Day, What Needed Celebration Was No Genocide And No Missing Children
Backgrounder 138
Frontier Centre for Public Policy Report Refutes Genocide Claims
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Frontier Centre for Public Policy report refutes genocide claims Let us now commit to a future where truth and reconciliation are built on solid foundations of evidence and mutual respect WINNIPEG, July 23, 2024 – A groundbreaking report by the...
National Indigenous History Month Should Promote Truth Telling
The Canadian House of Commons designated June as National Aboriginal History Month in 2009. The name was changed to National Indigenous History Month in 2017. The theme of the first week of this year’s effort to “honour the stories, achievements and resilience of...
What Needs to be Celebrated on National Indigenous Peoples Day?
National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21, is annually marked by many activities across the country showcasing the richness and diversity of Canada’s Indigenous people. As well as celebrating this richness and diversity, there is good reason to celebrate this June 21....
Residential School Recrimination and Reality
Allegations of widespread abuse against the children who attended Canada’s Indian Residential Schools (IRSs) began their slow but steady promotion three decades ago. Since that time, Indigenous activists increasingly began pushing more scurrilous assertions about the...
Residential School Recrimination, Repentance, and Reality
Allegations of widespread abuse against children who were said to have been forced to attend Canada’s Indian Residential Schools were uncommon before the last of them was shuttered in 1996. That was the year the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples...
Media Release – Experts Challenge Residential School Abuse Allegations
Recent discussions surrounding Canada's Aboriginal Residential Schools have ignited fierce debates over allegations of widespread abuse against Indigenous children. In a new report released by the Frontier Centre, retired anthropology professor Hymie Rubenstein and...
When Did Canada Become “Turtle Island” – And Why?
Changing a country’s name never raised any eyebrows when it involved third world colonies transitioning to sovereignty, as occurred when many in sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere after World War II did so. But such transformations have been virtually non-existent when...
Canada’s Indigenous Burial Hoax Is Still Very Much Alive
History shows that many hoaxes, fake news stories, and conspiracy theories have proven nearly unassailable, even when proven false. So far, it seems a British Columbia burial canard will be added to this list. The assertion that thousands of Indian Residential School...