Jeffrey A. Tucker

Why Did They Kill the Schools?

Why Did They Kill the Schools?

Why did they bludgeon the schools to the point of being nonfunctional while robbing a whole generation of normal education? I cannot stop asking this question. It’s the ultimate example of liberalism eating itself. The pandemic response was morally egregious and...

Featured News

The COVID Caper Gradually Unravels

The COVID Caper Gradually Unravels

Think back to those grim days of mid-March 2020. Many things did not make sense. There were screams about a new virus but no tests available for anyone to find out if we had the dreaded disease or not. The main question in everyone’s mind was: how can I find out if I...

Anti-Lockdown Goes Mainstream

Anti-Lockdown Goes Mainstream

It’s a shift worth marking. New York Magazine is featuring an article called “COVID Lockdowns Were a Giant Experiment. It Was a Failure.” The authors are two excellent journalists, Joe Nocera and Bethany McLean, who have also written a new book called “The Big Fail,”...