Les Routledge

On Manufacturing in North America

The Economist has an interesting article this week on comparative advantage as it relates to manufacturing.  It is worth the read. I agree with the central theme going through this article that the cost of manufacturing labour is becoming less of a factor in...

Bad Apple

Apple and several publishers are being litigated in the US on anti trust charges. Meanwhile we still have to deal with bundled channels and tied selling on CATV.

Featured News

How We Teach Reading Really Does Matter

Reading is the most important skill taught in school. If students don’t learn how to read, not much else that happens there is going to matter. That’s because being able to read is important in virtually every job. Without the ability to read, life itself will be a...

For the Record

We must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.