Les Routledge

Do Not Count Ontario Out

This editorial from Saskatoon got me thinking about my experience in Ontario. Far from being the basket economic case that is conveyed in the national media, my experience living and working in SW Ontario was one characterized by very innovative firms that figure out...

Currency Changes – Not Far Enough

Interesting commentary on the move to drop the penny from circulation. I tend to agree that the 5 cent coin should have been eliminated in this move.  The new 1 cent coin should be the dime.  Where I differ with the opinion is that I believe the quarter should be...

Featured News

US Postal Service Cuts

Wow, the US Post system is catching up to Canada's slow standards. In the new world of Internet systems, all post systems need to catch up to reality.  They are no longer in the letter business. A good first start is to eliminate home delivery of mail and replace it...