Marco Navarro-Genie

A Just Transition for the CBC

A Just Transition for the CBC

The influence of traditional print and broadcast news media has dropped dramatically. Even with handsome government handouts, many of them are barely alive today. In the market transition that is taking place, out of the slump of the old media a few new ones, such as...

Featured News

Great Covid Gaslight Underway

Great Covid Gaslight Underway

The Great COVID Gaslighting is underway. I will leave it to historians to determine when and who precisely launched it, but it is certainly here. Gaslighting is a form of manipulation. In one of its manifestations, it is a crude attempt at altering reality to conceal...

Demand Fairness from Ottawa and Edmonton

Demand Fairness from Ottawa and Edmonton

A few weeks ago, Albertans voted to reduce the inequities in the federal equalization program. The deficit between the dollars that leave to and come back from Ottawa has recently been as high as $27 billion in one year. During times of crisis, it feels like salt in...

The Endemic Path is the Way Out

The Endemic Path is the Way Out

The Alberta premier’s plan to treat the coronavirus as endemic was the way out of the COVID crisis. That he is once again adopting restrictions for the province, for the fourth time, does not negate the endemic approach.  But his declaration, paraphrasing President...