Mark Milke

Some Inconvenient Facts About Equalization

To grasp why Canada’s equalization program is such a public policy disaster, some myths need to be busted about the $14.8-billion annual transfer of federal tax dollars to the provinces through equalization — and the $46-billion in other inter-governmental transfers. So, let’s some consider some inconvenient facts.

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Frontier posts College of Physicians and Surgeons investigation of wrongly alleged “cancer epidemic” in oilsands.

In 2006, Dr. John O’Connor, a Nova Scotia physician then working in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, alleged that an epidemic of cancer was occurring in northern Alberta—and because of the oilsands operations there. In light of this, Frontier has decided to post the November 4, 2009 College of Physicians and Surgeons investigation of Dr. O’Connor.