Matthew Lau

Economic Lessons from Milton Friedman

Economic Lessons from Milton Friedman

Were he still alive today, Milton Friedman would celebrate his 107th birthday on July 31. An intellectual giant, his ideas played a significant role in making the world a freer and more prosperous place – from driving the elimination of military conscription in the...

Workplace Regulations Don’t Help Workers

Workplace Regulations Don’t Help Workers

A main priority of Alberta’s United Conservative government, given the province’s relatively high unemployment rate over the past few years, is job creation. It’s right there in the Alberta Premier's two-line Twitter biography: “Premier of Alberta. Focused on getting...

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The Evidence on Minimum Wages

The Evidence on Minimum Wages

One of the most contentious policy debates in recent years is the minimum wage. Opponents of raising the minimum wage say it will result in job losses, because making it more expensive to hire workers means businesses will hire fewer workers. But some supporters of...

Against the Minimum Wage

Against the Minimum Wage

The Frontier Centre for Public Policy has just released a new research paper, Against the Minimum Wage. This research paper is authored by Matthew Lau, a research associate with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. This paper reviews the negative effects of rising...