Michael Bassett

Race-based Politics = Collapse of a Government?

A heretofore popular government suffers major backlash as public reacts against race-based policies in New Zealand: “Pushing on with race-based, rather than needs-based assistance in health education and employment already looked dogmatic by the eighties, and old-fashioned when National persevered with it in the nineties. Today it is dangerously obsolete.”

Nostalgic Governments Face Cold Realities

Two years ago centre-left parties the world over were celebrating what looked like an electoral swing in their direction. Tony Blair’s convincing win in Britain in May 1997 was followed by Lionel Jospin’s in France, Gerhard Schroeder’s in Germany, the re-election of Jean Chretien in Canada, and a swing to the Democrats in the mid-term elections in the United States.

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