Michael Melanson

The Sean Carleton Show

The Sean Carleton Show

Last January I attended a webinar featuring settler historian Dr. Sean Carleton on “How to Recognize and Confront Residential School Denialism.” Carleton has been leading the vanguard in spotting this distinctly Canadian menace. The webinar began, of course, with the...

Shooting the Messenger with Blanks

Shooting the Messenger with Blanks

In a recent Winnipeg Free Press column, Niigaan Sinclair argues that some people are exploiting mistakes in reportage on the claims of missing children at former Indian Residential Schools (IRS).In fact, Sinclair claims: “By pointing out mistakes in media coverage,...

Featured News

Genocide For Dummies

Genocide For Dummies

On Oct. 27, 2022 my MP, Leah Gazan (NDP), presented a motion in the House of Commons to have the Indian Residential Schools recognized as a genocide (a real genocide and not just the rhetorical one of culture). Coincidentally, on that same day, the Dorchester Review...