Has Sugarcane proved Chief Willie Sellars wrong? Absolutely. At a highly-publicized presentation on 25 January 2022, Chief Willie Sellars proclaimed that '93 is our number' and went on to describe horrific atrocities at the former St Joseph's Indian Residential School...
Nina Green
Kimberly Murray and the TRC: Accountability in Question
Is Kimberly Murray responsible for the false claim that there are thousands of missing Indian residential school children? By her own admission, she is. On 31 August 2022 in support of her request for intervenor status in the Mohawk Mothers' lawsuit in the...
False Claims, Real Consequences: The ICC Referrals That Damaged Canada’s Reputation
The answer is simple. Why has Canada twice been referred to the International Criminal Court on the basis of false claims about Indian residential schools? The ultimate cause is the University of Manitoba's National Student Memorial which falsely claims that it is a...
A Deep Dive into the False Kamloops Graves Claims
As Frontier readers know I am a member of a group of writers and researchers who came together following the May 27, 2021 announcement that the remains of 215 former students of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School had been found on the school grounds. Simply...
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Did the CBC prove in 1962 that no children are buried at Kamloops?
The new documentary Sugarcane uses extensive footage from the CBC documentary, The Eyes of Children, filmed in late 1962 at the Kamloops Indian Residential School. The CBC film crew had access to the entire school and grounds for an extensive period of time,...
Is the Senate in Violation of the 2006 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, and Hindering Reconciliation?
In July 2024 the Standing Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples issued an Interim Report entitled 'Missing Records, Missing Children'. The problem with that title? There are no missing Indian residential school children. Special Interlocutor Kimberly Murray...
Sugarcane Documentary Props Up Preposterous Claims
Earlier this year, a Canadian documentary, Sugarcane, became a smash hit at film festivals, winning prizes at Sundance, Golden Gate, and Full Frame. The movie purports to reveal a history of abuse and misconduct in the Indian Residential School system. It castigates...
‘The Knowing’ Has The Feel Of Propaganda
Canadian journalist Tanya Talaga has a new book coming out this summer called “The Knowing.” In this CBC report about it, Talaga is quoted as saying: “We have all heard of someone who didn't come home — this is The Knowing. It is Canada's shame. If every Indigenous...
NCTR Admits Claim of Thousands Buried in Unmarked Graves a Hoax
In a Globe and Mail article on 5 May 2023 the National Centre For Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) finally publicly admitted that its Memorial Register is not a list of thousands of missing children buried in unmarked graves. It turns out the entire claim of thousands...
One Year Later Still no Evidence of Unmarked Graves
Brian Giesbrecht is a retired judge of the Provincial Court of Manitoba, Nina Green is an independent researcher, and Tom Flanagan is professor emeritus of political science at the University of Calgary. May 27, 2022 marked the one year anniversary of a...