Paul Driessen

Escaping From the COP-27 Insane Asylum

Escaping From the COP-27 Insane Asylum

Let’s hope climate talks finally come to grips with energy, scientific and economic reality “Show us the money!” climate activists demand, and rich countries are expected to pony up. Do I hear $100 billion? Would you give $1 trillion? Now, then, would you give $2...

Bringing Britain’s woes to North America?

Bringing Britain’s woes to North America?

Virginia enacted a Clean Economy Act; other states have implemented similar laws. AOC demands a national Green New Deal; President Biden is imposing one via executive decree. The United Kingdom is determined to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions; the European...

Featured News

Your Life under the Green New Deal

Your Life under the Green New Deal

During the cantankerous September 29 presidential “debate,” candidate Joe Biden proclaimed “I am the Democratic Party.” He is in charge, he insisted, and his views will be Democrat policy. Others aren’t so sure – about that, about what his views actually are, or about...

‘Climate Arson’ and Other Wildfire Nonsense

‘Climate Arson’ and Other Wildfire Nonsense

In what has become an annual summer tragedy, wildfires are again destroying western US forests. Millions of acres and millions of animals have been incinerated, hundreds of homes reduced to ash and rubble, dozens of parents and children killed, and many more people...

The Green New Deal Dress Rehearsal

The Green New Deal Dress Rehearsal

More than 1.4 million cases of COVID-19 and 106,000 deaths in the United States alone have accompanied stay-home lockdowns, businesses bankruptcies, over 40 million unemployed workers, plummeting tax revenues and unprecedented debt. Ongoing rioting, vandalism, arson...

Prioritizing Climate over Pandemics

Prioritizing Climate over Pandemics

As of May 20, the United States had more than 1.5 million confirmed cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus. US deaths related or attributed to the virus topped 92,000 (though many were really due to old age and related co-morbidities). Because of COVID-19, much of the US...

A Miraculous Turn of Events

A Miraculous Turn of Events

Never in my wildest dreams did I envision a day when I’d agree with anything filmmaker Michael Moore said – much less that he would agree with me. But mirabile dictu, his new film, Planet of the Humans, is as devastating an indictment of wind, solar and biofuel energy...

Fauci-Birx Climate Models

Fauci-Birx Climate Models

Honest, evidence-based climate models could avoid trillions of dollars in policy blunders   President Trump and his Coronavirus Task Force presented some frightening numbers during their March 31 White House briefing. Based on now 2-week-old data and models, as...

Is It Climate Socialism – or Eco-Fascism?

Is It Climate Socialism – or Eco-Fascism?

Green New Dealers have convinced themselves that our planet faces an imminent, existential, manmade climate cataclysm – that can be prevented solely and simply by government edicts replacing fossil fuels with biofuel, wind, solar and battery energy. They achieve this...