Peter McCaffrey

Bjorn Lomborg On Obama’s Berlin Speech

Bjorn Lomborg reminds us, via his Facebook page, about the giant difference between Obama's rhetoric and record on yet another issue. Obama said in his recent speech in Berlin: "In the United States, we have recently doubled our renewable energy from clean sources...

Promoting Health Through Less Regulation

Yesterday I had a very interesting meeting with a couple of staff members from the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region. We covered what each of our organisations do, and shared how we operate and work towards improving the lives of Reginans and Canadians. In particular I...

Behind The Scenes

As our blog is a little more casual than our regular publications, I think it provides a good opportunity to give you all a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at what we do here at the Frontier. Given how spread out we are across the country, we usually conduct our...

Featured News

Private Smoking Bans

Indoor public smoking bans are now common place, but health advocates continue to push for further and further restrictions on outdoor public areas, like playgrounds, parks, outdoor dining areas, etc, and have had some success in some cities.

Video Preview

One of the projects I’m working on here at the Frontier Centre at the moment is a series of short videos for YouTube on education.

School Lunches Update

Following my post on Tuesday about school lunches in New Zealand, the TV show who did the initial clip have done a follow up video on how easy it is to make a cheap and healthy lunch for kids.

Quebec Election

Polls close at 8pm ET in the Quebec election today and while the Parti Québécois are still the favourites, the polls are close and it would not be a big upset if either the Liberals or Coalition Avenir Québec managed to eke out a victory in the end.