Philip Carl Salzman

Lies at the Heart of Identity Politics

Lies at the Heart of Identity Politics

Identity politics demands the reduction of individual identity to collective census category identities. You are no longer an individual person with hopes and fears, talents and abilities, and motivations and opinions. The most important thing about you is your sex,...

‘Social Justice’ is Extortion

‘Social Justice’ is Extortion

The Mafia is not as good at extortion as “social justice” activists. Feminists and race activists have successfully invoked moralism to demand preferences, special benefits, and power. The legal cover for this extortion comes in the form of “affirmative action” and...

Featured News

Feminist Lynchings

Feminist Lynchings

It has become an almost daily experience in Canada and the United States for a man to be accused of sexual misconduct by a woman, often anonymous, and for an almost immediate pile-on of haters among friends (soon to be ex-friends), colleagues, acquaintances, and...

Toxic Feminism

Toxic Feminism

Feminism began as a challenge to male domination and female subordination. It could have become a champion of equality and the dignity of individual human beings. Unfortunately, contemporary feminism is not a liberation from sexism. It is true that feminism rejects...

Overreach Opportunities

Overreach Opportunities

The Government of Canada initiated a new ideological vetting of applicants for its summer job program for students. The organizations nominating students for summer grants, and the students and their parents, must declare that they conform to Government of Canada...

Is Western Civilization Worth Defending?

Is Western Civilization Worth Defending?

“An anthropologist is someone who respects the distinctive values of every culture but his own. We in the West are all anthropologists now.” --Roger Kimball, The Fortunes of Permanence: Culture and Anarchy in an Age of America-- Soon after arriving at McGill...

Are White Men Personae Non-Gratae?

Are White Men Personae Non-Gratae?

In contemporary British and Canadian television programs, women dominate the police forces. Any men officers are often men of colour. In older police dramas, the police were predominantly men.[1] Even in a few current programs, there are more male police, although the...

Some Good News about Race

Some Good News about Race

We are often told that Canada and the U.S.A. are racist societies. Minority activists denounce white society and demand compensatory measures. Black Lives Matter in Canada declares that “Black Power Matters.” In the United States, Black Lives Matter campaign against...

Entertainment as Propaganda

Entertainment as Propaganda

Television programs not only entertain, but they also are an important influence our ideas about our society and culture. These messages are not meant solely to reflect social reality accurately, but also to shape that reality. People and their actions and opinions...