Philip Carl Salzman

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Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

National Suicide by Education

National Suicide by Education

It’s true that children are our future, for good or ill, depending on their education. Ill-educate children, as we are doing in the United States and Canada, and the result will be cultural decay, social breakdown, and political decline. We now teach our children that...

Salzman: Canada Gone Wrong

Salzman: Canada Gone Wrong

Canadians tend to please themselves by feeling superior to the Americans: Americans are violent; we are peaceful. Americans demand anarchical freedom; Canadians want “peace, order, and good government.” Americans go to extremes, e.g., by electing the awful President...

Official Child Abuse

Official Child Abuse

In this article on official abuse of children, I reference American (US) policies and practices. Many Canadians think that, whatever is happening in the US, things in Canada are not quite so bad. But they are wrong; in many cases Canada has gone farther wrong....

Why Men and Women Are the Way They Are

Why Men and Women Are the Way They Are

Human beings are the way they are because of natural selection. Those characteristics which allow more children to survive and reproduce will push out or select against characteristics are less helpful in having children that will survive and reproduce. We can see...