Philip Carl Salzman

Race Hate is Official Government Policy

Race Hate is Official Government Policy

The Canadian and American governments have imposed blatantly racist policies and regulations on their populations. Dividing their citizens into “oppressors,” all white people, and “victims,” all BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) and LGBTQ2S (lesbian, gay,...

Featured News

The Invention of ‘Systemic Racism’

The Invention of ‘Systemic Racism’

It is now the official view in government, industry, and education that African Americans and certain other “people of color” perform poorly in schools and the workforce, but nonetheless must be treated as if they perform well. The statistically weak performance of...

I Lived in a Society That Had No Police

I Lived in a Society That Had No Police

Where there is no police, every man is a warrior, and every group is a regiment. Carrying out ethnographic field research as a cultural anthropologist, I lived for two years in Baluchistan, a cultural region in southeastern Iran, western Pakistan, and southern...

The end of America?

The end of America?

How do societies and cultures end? What causes the death of societies and cultures? It is not always the obvious threats. Today we are struggling with the coronavirus which has unfortunately sickened many and killed some Americans. The deaths are tragic, but so are...