When doing a cursory search of articles and commentaries about the current state of Arctic international relations, you would be forgiven if you were to think the Russians are preparing to launch a massive offensive against other Arctic states, particularly...
Robert Murray
Canada’s war on ISIS: Why declaring genocide without ramifications is dangerous
In his speech at the University of Ottawa on March 29, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion noted that Canada’s foreign policy strategy under the Trudeau government will be guided by the principle of ‘Responsible Conviction.’ Few...
How the Liberals can develop Canada’s Arctic Strategy
This op ed was originally published by Embassy on Monday, February 8, 2016: http://www.embassynews.ca/2016/02/10/How-the-Liberals-can-develop-Canada-Arctic-strategy/48207
Pragmatic Multilateralism as Foreign Policy
This op ed was originally published by Embassy on Wednesday, January 13, 2016: http://www.embassynews.ca/opinion/2016/01/13/pragmatic-multilateralism-as-foreign-policy/48085
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Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
High time governments embraced the sharing economy
As cities across both Canada and the U.S. continue to stumble their way through issues surrounding the introduction of ride-sharing services such as Uber, it’s clear the ongoing reluctance by municipalities to allow these services is less about ride sharing...
The West Needs a Strategic Pause before Working with Russia
What a difference a year makes. Recall that not so long ago, Canada and other Western states were united in their condemnation of Russia’s Vladimir Putin after Russia not-so-secretly invaded Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, shot down a commercial airliner full of...
Putting Students Last in Ontario
There are some things money can buy, but when there’s no money to go around, something has to give. In Ontario’s education sector, there isn’t enough money to go around anymore, and unions clearly aren’t happy. How did we get here? After years...
Russia’s Next Move: Domination of the Arctic?
Vladimir Putin, after a mysterious absence, has finally reappeared. And just in time, too: the Russian president apparently decided to respond to NATO exercises in Europe – in part generated by Putin’s own wars against his neighbors – by putting his...
The Need for Post-R2P Humanitarianism
Four years ago this month Security Council Resolution 1973 sanctioning action against Libya was effusively welcomed by many as conclusive proof of the Responsibility to Protect’s (R2P) efficacy. It was, former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans rejoiced,...
Time for a New Western Strategy in Ukraine
To date, the western strategy towards the ongoing war in Ukraine has been a failure. Not only has there been no cessation of violence, but the violence in certain areas of Eastern Ukraine is actually worsening, and the world is no closer to any diplomatic solution....
How the Elvis Presley Doctrine Blocked Keystone XL
This article was written by Robert W. Murray and Christopher Sands and originally appeared in The National Interest. In his history of popular culture and the U.S. presidency, What Jefferson Read, Ike Watched and Obama Tweeted, Tevi Troy relates an anecdote about a...
How the Elvis Presley Doctrine Blocked Keystone XL
In his history of popular culture and the U.S. presidency, What Jefferson Read, Ike Watched and Obama Tweeted, Tevi Troy relates an anecdote about a White House meeting between then-president Richard Nixon and rock ‘n’ roll sensation Elvis Presley. Elvis...
Many Questions Surrounding New Bargaining Process
Well that didn’t take long! Ontario’s school boards, teachers’ unions and Ministry of Education recently began bargaining in an effort to reach agreements across the education sector. The previous agreements, imposed on the sector in 2012 by the McGuinty government’s...