Roland Renner

Wireless Competition – Two New Studies

Two new studies on wireless competition in Canada were released last week.  Also, Bell announced that it was cutting roaming rates to the U.S. “Wireless Competition in Canada: An Assessment” is by Jeffrey Church of the University of Calgary’s School of Public...

Wireless Ad Battles

The prospect of Verizon moving into the Canadian wireless market has resulted in an unprecedented ad campaign from the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA).  Not since the days of the proposed “cable tax” that would have required cable, satellite...

Featured News

Will satellite bridge the digital divide?

The digital divide refers to the inability of a part of the population to access computers, digital media, and services available through broadband or high-speed internet.  Society is divided into those who do have access to digital communications technology and those...

Bell buys Astral Media

The way I heard it on Radio Canada (French CBC) in my car Bell paid a 39% premium on the share price to buy Astral Media.  Astral worked the Canadian broadcasting system very very well.  Now Bell owns it. Does anyone else remember Bell's acquisition of Daon...

More on IC Canada Telecom Rules

IC also released a document called, "Proposed Revisions to the Frameworks for Mandatory Roaming and Antenna Tower and Site Sharing" More information to digest to evaluate the competitive framework. So far, one of the new entrants from the previous round, Mobilicity,...

Why Can’t We get Hulu, Pandora and other Over the Top (OTT) Internet Services in Canada?

The growth of internet video and music sites are growing. Sites like Netflix and Rogers Anyplace TV are making a splash in Canada. But why don’t Canadians have access to other sites such as Hulu and Pandora? The answer is a combination of regulation and ownership issues. Until there are changes made to the way distribution rights are negotiated, many of these services will remain unavailable to Canadians.