Roland Renner

BCE Acquisition of Astral Media Approved

The CRTC finally approved BCE’s acquisition of Astra Media, the second time that BCE presented a deal for approval.  In this version of the deal BCE has sold interests and will divest itself of several other properties to fall under the thresholds for media...

The Wireless Industry Code

The CRTC released the Wireless Industry Code on Monday.  The Code itself has 8 pages of rules and 2 pages of definitions and is accompanied by a 1-pager entitled “Your Rights as a Consumer” which has a handy checklist that anyone can use to see if their supplier is...

Featured News

The Online Snooping Act – They got it wrong

Sometimes it is better to retreat! This is certainly the case for the federal Conservatives with the Online Surveillance Act as it is often called.  Whether it is called the Lawful Access Act or the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act, it is way over the...

Blinded by Orthodoxy – Why the telephone companies don’t run the Internet

Why didn’t AT&T or the Yellow Pages develop a dominant browser instead of Yahoo, Google, or Bing (Microsoft)?  How did Skype make a success of videoconferencing when the telcos couldn’t do it?  Why don’t the telephone companies run the Internet?

A recent article in the Report on Business raised the issue of orthodoxies in corporate cultures that block the ability of successful organizations from recognizing disruptive threats and opportunities that can turn their business models upside down.

Missed opportunities in telecom and UBB

Although the telcos are major ISPs, Yahoo and Google dominate the search engine market.  Bell's Sympatico wasn't a bad try at a portal for a telco ISP but it never really captured the market or led to big successes in other applications areas.  How could North...

Usage Based Billing for Internet Access and the Future of the Internet: Internet pricing has important repercussion beyond entertainment value

The Bell UBB proposal for residential internet access is closely connected with changes in how Canadians watch video, and building the capacity for the next generation of internet, particularly in the last mile. The decisions taken over the next few months should continue the policy of promoting competitive options that have generated so much of the creativity in the industry.

More on CRTC Vertical Integration Hearing

One press report described the hearing as being about "a slew of new rules" in the new scenario where distributors own content.   What kind of rules are we talking about? Before vertical integration, content owners wanted their content to be on as many distribution...