Susan Martinuk

Featured News

Transformers: More than Meets the Eye

The path to net zero, based on the much disputed belief that carbon dioxide is a pollution, is more steep and impractical than most people realize. Replacing fossil fuels with clean electricity will require much more power generation and a greatly upgraded grid to...

Healthcare and The Definition of Insanity

Healthcare and The Definition of Insanity

What’s wrong with Canada’s healthcare system? Dysfunctional systems, wait lists, not enough doctors, and not enough beds. Those are just the obvious ‘starters’ in a long list of problems that are keeping Canadians from accessing medical care. Tossing more money at the...

Canadian Health Care at a Crossroads

Canadian Health Care at a Crossroads

It has been a revealing week for Canadian health care and what we have witnessed is not good. In Fredericton, NB, a senior passed away while waiting for care at a hospital emergency department.  A witness noted that the man was “clearly in discomfort,” yet it wasn’t...