Bill C-282 currently sits in the Canadian Senate and stands on the precipice of becoming law in a matter of weeks. Essentially, this bill seeks to bestow immunity upon supply management from any potential future trade negotiations without offering increased market...
Sylvain Charlebois
Days of Supply Management May Finally Be Coming to an End
Canada’s supply management system is a textbook case for food sovereignty. But the social contract the system represents may need to be redrafted as we head toward North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiations. Supply management is a social contract...
Beyond Supply Management: Canadian dairy sector will need to adapt to increasingly liberalising world markets
Canada’s dairy industry is not currently well-positioned to succeed in increasingly liberalized international markets and policy reforms are currently needed to insure competitiveness in the future.
The Future of the Canadian Dairy Sector: In a Post Supply Management Era
Sylvain Charlebois and Tatiana Astray assess the capacity of Canada’s dairy sector to compete in a post supply management era, and offer policy reform ideas to help the industry succeed.
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Beyond Potash: Future of the potash industry
Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan (PCS) controls more than one-fifth of the world’s reserves of potash; its home province of Saskatchewan sits on roughly half of that amount. As we move forward, an assessment of our agricultural policies and marketing practices in the context of the rapidly changing world of agricultural commodities is long overdue. The strategy should make sense to all Canadians, both politically and economically.
Climate Changes, Grain Exports and A New World Order in Food: Higher food prices may be coming at right time
There is hardly a crisis in agricultural commodities but rather a continuing recalibration between supply and demand.
Is Our Food Safety System Broken?: It is more accurate to say that it has not yet been built.
Slyvain Charlebois argues the debate on food safety should not about the number of inspectors hired but how to build food safety systems that serve the health requirements of Canadian consumers.
Food Safety: Quality Matters, Not Just Price
In our fast-paced modern social arrangements fewer consumers prepare food for themselves, and these few often with less available time. In filling this demand for convenience, processed foods have become a big part of our diets.
President Obama Is COOLing It
Food trade policy is essential to providing variety and affordability to consumers, no matter where they live. The food industry is largely recession-proof, but still vulnerable to external influences. With a president in the White House who seems ready to think more internationally, the virtues of free trade may be fortified. That would be welcome news to the Canadian economy during these worrying conditions.
The World Food Summit: Canada is part of the problem
The food-crisis summit that was held in Rome by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) last week reminds us that the protectionist policies of the industrialized countries are having harmful consequences on the well-being of the world population. Canada, the world’s fourth-largest exporter and fifth-largest importer of agricultural products, must show its goodwill by reforming some of its programs that harm trade.
Sylvain Charlebois, Associate Professor in Marketing, University of Regina
Professor Charlebois discusses the past, present and future of supply management in Canada.
Fewer Farms in Canada: Moving in the Right Direction
The new economic reality is that Canada has too many farms and the recent census shows that Canadian agriculture is gradually moving in the right direction.
Breakfast on the Frontier – Sylvain Charlebois – Agriculture Sector
Listen to Sylvain Charlesbois speak at Breakfast on the Frontier - on supply management here. (36 minutes) Dr. Sylvain Charlebois is an associate professor in marketing in the Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Regina (Canada) since 2004. He is...